Article Link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2451929420304241
Our article on“Selectivity control in photocatalytic valorization of biomass-derived platform compounds by surface engineering of titanium oxide”has been published inChem (Chem2020, DOI:10.1016/j.chempr.2020.08.014).
Photocatalysis has offered a promising opportunity for selectivetransformation of biomass to high-value chemicals or fuels undermild conditions. Whereas titanium oxide has been widely used forphotocatalytic pollutant degradation, H2 evolution, and CO2 reduction, few studies have been devoted to TiO2-based photocatalyticvalorization of biomass or biomass-derived platform compounds.Here, we report on surface-controlled photocatalysis of TiO2 forselective valorization of furfurals and vanillin that are lignocellulose-derived key platform compounds. The reaction can be switchedfrom hydrogenation of aldehyde group to C–C coupling by manipulating exposed facets; furanic and aromatic alcohols or couplingproducts, which are fine chemicals or jet-fuel precursors, could beproduced with high selectivity. Our studies elucidate that thefacet-dependent density of oxygen vacancies governs the chargedistribution and adsorption strength of surface species and thuscontrols product selectivity. The present work offers an exampleof selectivity control by engineering TiO2 surfaces for valorizationof biomass-derived feedstocks.