The 13th European Congress on Catalysis (EUROPACAT 2017) has just been held in Florence, Italy, on August 27-31, 2017. The theme of “A bridge to the future” features the crucial roles of catalysis science and technology in enabling our sustainable future and will offer both the state-of-the-art on catalysis research and a perspective of new trends and opportunities for catalysis in the next decades.
Six representatives, Prof. Ye Wang, Prof. Qinghong Zhang, Dr. Jincan Kang, Dr. Shunji Xie, Dr. Kang Cheng and Ms. Xuejiao Wu from our group participated in this Congress. During the 5 days, we have given five oral presentations and one poster, which cover every research area of the group. These presentations have attracted much attention from the audience. In addition, our young researchers have obtained valuable experience in exchanging academic ideas with international peers.

After the EUROPACAT 2017, Prof. Ye Wang, Prof. Qinghong Zhang, Dr. Jincan Kang and Dr. Kang Cheng together with other four professors from Catalysis Team in Xiamen University, went to join the 4th French-Chinese symposium workshop in Lille, France. The collaboration between the Catalysis and Solid Chemistry Unit (UCCS, France) and State Key Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Solid Surfaces (PCOSS) of Xiamen University (China) has started in 2008. This collaboration has resulted in numerous joint publications and presentations, several Ph.D. theses in joint supervision, as well as in the exchange of researchers. Between 2010 and 2015, 3 French-Chinese symposia organized by UCCS and PCOSS took place alternately in France and China. The objective of the 4th symposium “Exploring new challenges in catalytic science” is to present the new research themes of Lille and Xiamen as well as to consider new collaborations.