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Maximizing noble metal utilization in solid catalysts by control of nanoparticle location

Time: 2022-07-09 | Updated: Print

Article Link: https://www.science.org/doi/pdf/10.1126/science.abn8289


Our cooperative article “Maximizing noble metal utilization in solid catalysts by control of nanoparticle location” has been published in Science (DOI: 10.1126/science.abn828).

Maximizing the utilization of noble metals is crucial for applications such as catalysis. We found that the minimum loading of platinum for optimal performance in the hydroconversion of n-alkanes for industrially relevant bifunctional catalysts could be reduced by a factor of 10 or more through the rational arranging of functional sites at the nanoscale. Intentionally depositing traces of platinum nanoparticles on the alumina binder or the outer surface of zeolite crystals, instead of inside the zeolite crystals, enhanced isomer selectivity without compromising activity. Separation between platinum and zeolite acid sites preserved the metal and acid functions by limiting micropore blockage by metal clusters and enhancing access to metal sites. Reduced platinum nanoparticles were more active than platinum single atoms strongly bonded to the alumina binder.


This work was completed under the guidance of Professor Krijn P. de Jong of Utrecht University. The co-first authors are Dr. Kang Cheng from our group and Mr. Luc C. J. Smulders. The research work was partly supported the National Key Research and Development Program of Ministry of Science and Technology 2020YFB0606401.