Article Link: method converts CO2 to ethylene and ethanolFluorine-doped copper catalyst boosts efficiency and selectivityby Mitch JacobyAPRIL 24, 2020 | APPEARED IN VOLUME 98, ISSUE 16In t...
【中国科学报】“电”一下,二氧化碳“变”燃料来源:《中国科学报》发布时间:2020-4-23■本报见习记者 韩扬眉 化石燃料的消耗,既导致大气中二氧化碳含量不断增加,带来全球温室效应,又使化石资源日益枯竭,造成能源短缺。若让二氧化碳“变身”成高值化学品和燃料,那将会“一举两得”。 厦门大学化学化工学院教授...
Electrocatalytic Conversion of CO2 to Ethylene and Ethanol with an Ultrahigh Current Density of 1.6 A cm-2Article Link:英文报道Science news: "Making commodity chemicals requires fossil fuels. New devices could do it with renewables". https://www...
Article Link:中文报道X-MOL报道:研之成理推送: Synthesis of ethanol from syngas (CO/H2) is an attractive but challenging research target. The current transformati...
Our article on solar-energy-driven activation of C−H bond within alcohols and C−C coupling into diols has been published in Chem. Commun. and has been chosen as the Front Cover.Chem. Commun., 2020, 56, 1776-1779.Link:英国皇家...