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Our group members attended the 12th Natural Gas Conversion Symposium (NGCS 12)

Time: 2019-06-11 | Updated: Print

Our group members attended the 12th Natural Gas Conversion Symposium (NGCS 12)


    The triennial Natural Gas Conversion Symposium has been bringing together the world's leaders in natural gas conversion since 1987 to share information on the latest trends in research and technology development in these fields. The NGCS 12 has just been held in San Antonio, Texas, America on 2-6 June 2019. About 300 participants of the scientific, academic, research and industry communities involved in natural gas conversion and related topics have attended the conference. The NGCS 12 program included information on the latest R&D and technology solutions covering leading-edge topics related to the conversion of fossil resources, biomass and waste to syngas, energy, synthetic natural gas, hydrogen, liquid fuels and chemicals.


    Three representatives, Prof. Ye Wang, Dr. Jincan Kang, Dr. Shunji Xie from our group attended this conference. Prof. Wang was invited to give a lecture with a theme of “Bifunctional Catalysis for Direct Transformations of Syngas and Carbon Dioxide into Lower Olefins and Aromatics”. The lecture attracted much attention. Dr. Kang gave an oral presentation on “Selective Oxidation of Propane to Propylene in the Presence of HCl over CeO2 and NiO-Modified CeO2 Nanocrystals”. Dr. Xie gave an oral presentation on “A New, Sustainable Visible-Light-Driven Methanol to Ethylene Glycol (MTEG) Process”.


Conference Website: https://www.aiche.org/conferences/natural-gas-conversion-symposium/2019